When you have an attractive smile you radiate confidence to others. If you have various tooth imperfections, however, you may be reluctant to smile, laugh or have your picture taken. The good news is the cosmetic services at CDC Dental can help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.
Our Array of Services
Here are some of our cosmetic dentistry options that can rejuvenate your smile:
Dental Implants
If you have one or more missing teeth, we can provide a strong, fully functional implant that gives the look and feel of a real tooth. Dental implants are composed of a titanium screw and a post that is covered with a crown, bridge or denture.
If your teeth are crooked, crowded or gapped, you can straighten your smile discreetly with Invisalign®. This modern aligner system uses a series of custom-made aligners to give you a confident, attractive smile.
Smile Makeovers
A smile makeover consists of one or more of our cosmetic treatments to improve the appearance of your smile. We can recommend the services to help you achieve the smile that you desire.
Teeth Whitening
Having tarnished teeth isn’t a good look. Thanks to our teeth whitening options you can erase stubborn stains and enjoy a gleaming bright smile that exudes confidence. We offer effective in-chair and take-home teeth whitening options that can help you get a megawatt smile.
White Spot Treatment
If you have unsightly white spots or brown areas of your teeth that you’d like to remove, we offer an effective solution with the ICON® system.
Take that first step towards achieving a beautiful smile. Call (02) 9231 3822 to book a consultation!
Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.