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Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Mature woman leaning on a couch and smilingIf you have one or more missing teeth, you likely feel too self-conscious to smile. You also may avoid talking or laughing in social situations. Eating is also challenging and you can’t enjoy your favourite foods. Fortunately, we offer a fantastic solution: dental implants.
What Is It?

A dental implant, which uses a titanium post as a substitute for a tooth root, is durable and long-lasting. When topped with a crown or bridge, a dental implant can restore the appearance and function of your smile.

What Are the Main Benefits?

  • Single or multi-tooth options available
  • Permanent restorations made to last for a lifetime
  • Noninvasive to your other teeth
  • Allow you to maintain your natural biting patterns
  • Support your facial structures
  • Allow you to eat what you want
  • No impact on speech

When the implant is placed inside your mouth, the bone around it begins a process that we call osseointegration, fully fusing the artificial root into the jaw and making it a permanent new part of your healthy smile.

The Different Types Available

Single Tooth

An implant functions like a natural tooth root. When placed into your mouth, we can affix a porcelain crown on top of the implant to mimic the design and purpose of the tooth that is being replaced. This solution is ideal for those who want to replace only one of their teeth.

Multi-Tooth and Full-Arch

Implants are extremely strong and can be used in pairs to support dental bridges or even a full-arch denture. You can choose this restoration if you are missing several teeth or all of your teeth.

Book a Free Digital Smile Design Consult

If you’re interested in dental implants as part of a smile makeover, we’re now offering a free digital smile design consult! With this state-of-the-art technology, you can see how your smile will look with a custom-crafted treatment plan. Call (02) 9231 3822 today to schedule!


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.

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