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Advantages of Dental Implants

Woman on beach face paintedThe countless benefits of dental implant therapy make them the preferred solution for replacing missing teeth. If you’re still weighing your options, consider some of the biggest advantages that an implant has to offer.

Modelled After Anatomical Teeth

Compared to other dental restorations, the shape of an implant is the closest thing you’ll find to an anatomical tooth. Plus, its hypoallergenic design makes it biocompatible for improved safety and long-term success.

For Any Number of Missing Teeth

Implants are versatile when it comes to smile reconstruction. They can be used to support a crown if only one tooth is missing. Or perhaps you have 3-4 teeth that need to be replaced. In that case, a pair of implants can support a dental bridge. They’re also capable of supporting hybrid, full-arch restorations when your entire smile needs to be rehabilitated.

Reinforce Your Overall Bite

Any time you lose a tooth, the space it creates can lead to shifting in your overall bite alignment. By installing an implant you can reinforce natural tooth spacing to avoid crooked or drifting teeth in the months after tooth loss.

Minimally-Invasive Treatment

Dental implants stand independently of other teeth in your mouth. There is no need to reshape supporting teeth for their installation. This characteristic makes them preferable to something like a bridge, which requires a reduction in tooth enamel to install over the supporting teeth.

Can Last Decades (or a Lifetime)

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants are capable of lasting an entire lifetime. Their return on investment makes them one of the most cost-effective solutions for replacing broken, diseased or missing teeth. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene you can typically expect them to last for decades at a time.

No Changes to Speech or Diet

If you’ve ever worn a removable prosthesis, you know there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to talking or eating. That’s not the case with dental implant therapy. Since the restorations fit right in line with anatomical teeth, you can go about your daily routine as normal.

Do I Qualify?

The requirements for dental implant therapy are less stringent than most people expect but healthy gums and bone tissues are a must. Request an exam to find out if you qualify for implant treatment. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to get started.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.

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